Laughing hikers

100 Hiking Jokes For A Good Laugh On The Trail

Hiking is a fantastic way to connect with nature, get some exercise, and enjoy breathtaking views. But it’s not all serious business—there’s plenty of room for laughter along the trail! If you’re a fan of hiking and humor, this list is for you.

Here are 100 unique and funny hiking jokes to entertain you and your fellow adventurers on your next hike. Enjoy these light-hearted moments and share them with friends to make your hiking experience even more enjoyable.

100 Hiking Jokes

  1. Why don’t mountains get cold in the winter? They wear snowcaps!
  2. Why did the hiker bring a ladder? To reach new heights!
  3. What do you call a bear caught in the rain? A drizzly bear!
  4. How do hikers avoid getting blisters? They stick to the path!
  5. Why are mountains so good at telling stories? Because they have tall tales!
  6. What did the tree say to the hiker? I’m rooting for you!
  7. Why did the scarecrow become a successful hiker? He was outstanding in his field!
  8. How do hikers always stay cool? They stay in the shade!
  9. What do you call a hiker who likes to tell jokes? A pun-derer!
  10. Why did the hiker cross the road? To get to the other trail!
  11. Why are hills always so relaxed? They take everything in stride!
  12. How do you organize a space party? You planet!
  13. Why don’t mountains ever get lost? They always peak in the right direction!
  14. Why did the bicycle fall over on the trail? It was two-tired!
  15. What do you call a mountain’s son? Cliff!
  16. Why don’t you ever see leopards hiking? Because they’re always spotted!
  17. Why did the hiker go to school? To climb the learning mountain!
  18. What’s a hiker’s favorite type of music? Rock and roll!
  19. Why don’t trees like to hike? They can’t leaf!
  20. Why do hikers carry cameras? To capture all the picturesque moments!
  21. Why did the hiker bring a map? To trail blaze the right path!
  22. How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it!
  23. What do you call a group of musical mountains? A rock band!
  24. Why are hiking boots always tired? Because they’ve been running through the woods all day!
  25. Why don’t hikers ever get lost? They follow the beaten path!
  26. Why did the hiker bring a pencil on the hike? In case they needed to draw a conclusion!
  27. What’s a hiker’s favorite candy? Trail mix!
  28. How do hikers communicate with each other? They use trail mail!
  29. Why did the hiker sit in the shade? Because it was tree-mendous!
  30. What did the mountain say to the sun? Quit peaking at me!
  31. Why do hikers always get good grades? Because they never take shortcuts!
  32. How do hikers get through tough times? They just keep climbing!
  33. Why did the hiker bring string? To tie up loose ends!
  34. What do you call a hiker who always tells the truth? A trailblazer!
  35. Why did the hiker bring a watch? To keep track of mountain time!
  36. Why do hikers like riddles? Because they love solving problems on the trail!
  37. What do you call a happy hiker? A jolly wanderer!
  38. Why did the hiker bring an umbrella? For some shade on the sunny trail!
  39. How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut!
  40. Why are rivers so rich? Because they have two banks!
  41. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!
  42. Why did the hiker bring a flashlight? For a light hike!
  43. Why do hikers make great friends? They always stick together!
  44. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!
  45. Why did the hiker bring a magnet? To find their way back!
  46. Why did the tree go to the dentist? To get a root canal!
  47. Why do hikers wear bells? To scare away the bears!
  48. What’s a hiker’s favorite type of footwear? Trail runners!
  49. How do mountains stay warm in the winter? They wear flannel shirts!
  50. Why did the hiker break up with the mountain? Because it was too rocky!
  51. Why don’t hikers like to argue? Because they prefer to take the high road!
  52. Why did the hiker bring a spoon? To stir up some trail mix!
  53. Why are hiking boots always polite? Because they have good sole!
  54. Why did the hiker take a nap? To get some rest and relaxation!
  55. What’s a hiker’s favorite game? Hide and peak!
  56. How do you turn a hiker into a fisherman? Teach them to cast!
  57. Why did the hiker bring a fork? To eat up the trail!
  58. How do hikers listen to music? On their trail-pods!
  59. Why are trails so smart? Because they always know the way!
  60. What do you call a hiker with no map? Lost!
  61. Why did the hiker bring a mirror? To look at the trail behind them!
  62. What do you call a hiker with a sense of direction? Lucky!
  63. Why did the hiker bring a sweater? In case they got a little chilly on the trail!
  64. Why did the hiker wear glasses? To see the trail better!
  65. How do you know a hiker is happy? They have a spring in their step!
  66. Why did the hiker bring a broom? To sweep up the trail!
  67. What do you call a bear in the rain? A drizzly bear!
  68. Why do hikers always tell the truth? Because the truth is out there!
  69. What’s a hiker’s favorite animal? A trail-blazer!
  70. How do hikers know what time it is? They look at their trail watch!
  71. Why did the hiker bring a hammer? To hit the trail!
  72. Why did the hiker bring a towel? In case they got wet on the trail!
  73. What do you call a hiker in the desert? Lost!
  74. Why did the hiker bring a pillow? To rest on the trail!
  75. Why did the hiker bring a tent? For a camp-tastic time!
  76. What’s a hiker’s favorite fruit? Trail mix-ed berries!
  77. Why did the hiker bring a comb? To untangle the trail!
  78. What do you call a hiker who loves to read? A bookworm on the trail!
  79. Why did the hiker bring a phone? To call it a day!
  80. Why did the hiker bring a map? To find their way!
  81. What’s a hiker’s favorite vegetable? A trail of lettuce!
  82. Why did the hiker bring a hat? To keep the sun off their face!
  83. Why did the hiker bring a chair? To sit and enjoy the view!
  84. What’s a hiker’s favorite season? Fall, because it’s un-be-leaf-able!
  85. Why did the hiker bring a stick? To keep balance on the trail!
  86. Why did the hiker bring a cup? To have a sip of the great outdoors!
  87. Why did the hiker bring a match? To light up the trail!
  88. What’s a hiker’s favorite sport? Trail running!
  89. Why did the hiker bring a rope? To tie up loose ends on the trail!
  90. What do you call a hiker with no shoes? Barefoot and brave!
  91. Why did the hiker bring a pan? To cook up some fun on the trail!
  92. Why did the hiker bring a book? To read between the trails!
  93. What do you call a hiker with lots of friends? A social climber!
  94. Why did the hiker bring a knife? To cut through the trail!
  95. What do you call a hiker who loves the night? A star-gazer!
  96. Why did the hiker bring a whistle? To blow off steam on the trail!
  97. Why did the hiker bring a jacket? To stay warm on the trail!
  98. What do you call a hiker who loves to laugh? A trail-jester!
  99. Why did the hiker bring a backpack? To carry all the puns!
  100. Why did the hiker bring a friend? Because trails are better with company!

There you have it—100 unique hiking jokes to keep the laughter flowing on your next outdoor adventure. Enjoy sharing these with fellow hikers and making your time on the trail even more enjoyable! Also take a look at our 100 hiking puns!

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